Oui Play Games

Oui plays games
I remember it first started on my birthday. I had been bugging my parents for a 3DS, it wasn't the newest console at the time but I saw a few games that I wanted were being released on it.
And sure enough when I removed the Super Mario wrapping there stood a brand new in the box black 3DS. My friends crowded around as I inspected the new hardware, everything was perfect as I opened the box it was shiny and the screens unblemished. I loved it.
That night I was still fiddling with my new toy, then finally I got to one of the 3DS best features the Mii maker. I started picked my colour, light blue and with my long blond hair and large eyes I was set. I finished and closed my 3DS putting it down to go online to wade through the stream of happy birthday tweets.
The next day I planned to make full use of the street pass feature on my new console taking it into the city with me. I stopped for lunch and peaked at my 3DS see the green light on I jumped at the chance to see who I had passed.
My Mii raced to the plaza and there at the entrance was my first street pass. It was male and wearing red, he was short with zig-zag cut brown hair with small round black eyes and a triangle for a nose. He high fived my Mii which I had cleverly named Mee and the jumped saying: “Oui plays games!”
This new Mii was called Oui and seemed he last played the Mii creator too so it felt nice knowing someone else besides me must of got there 3DS recently.
He appeared he had no puzzle pieces which confirmed he was new to having a 3DS like me and I then had him help me with my street pass quest which went as normal.
That night I started to play the game I had got in the city that day, Luigi's Mansion. After a few hours playing I put down my 3DS needing sleep. Before I had even got into my bed I noticed the green light on my 3DS.
It was Oui again and he came in with his greeting but then I noticed his most resent game was Luigi's Mansion too. I didn't think anything of it, gamers play the same games as I do after all.
The next few weeks past and without a break everyday I would street pass Oui, and he had been playing the same game as me. I started to feel uneasy with him.
I stayed with my best friend that night he also had a 3DS and we thought we could play a few games with each other. We ended up buying a few games from the e-store which was nostalgic, I got myself a copy of the 3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure. And loved the nostalgic feel of the game with the new 3D function.
Later that night I unreceived another street pass from Oui, this was getting odd. I could understand him living near me and being in the city the same time as I was but being in the same area as my friend was weird. Then I noticed Oui's greeting had changed and was now blue meaning it was custom, he said “Mee at friends!”
This freaked me out, did Oui know who I was and that I was at a friends? He also seemed to also be playing Kirby's Adventure too.
My friend was stumped when I told him he said maybe it was just one of our friends playing around. I uneasily took his explanation and tried to get some sleep.
Oui continued his creepiness, everyday he passed me no matter where I was and everyday he seemed to know what I was doing as well as playing the same game as me. I had also noticed I was only getting street passes from Oui even though I know I passed people who had a 3DS on them. That's when he got worse. Every time I passed Oui he never had any puzzle pieces for me but when I passed the puzzle swap option to remover the exclamation mark that came with a street pass I noticed Oui didn't just pass by, he must have a puzzle for me to claim. Passing by the many puzzle options Oui didn't seem to have any, until I got to the last puzzle. All the pieces were pink and he seemed to have all of them, I took one from the middle. The image behind it was blurry and and the bar at the top didn't display the name of the puzzle. The puzzle was small only ten pieces so I would find out soon what lay behind it.
So out of simple curiosity I put up with Oui and his creepy street pass knowledge of my activities saying to myself he's just a friend with a bad sense of humour and you'd only need to read my tweets to know what I was doing day by day.
A week and a half later I got to taking the last piece of the puzzle. I was about to go to bed and Oui popped up his greeting being “Oui see you!”
I didn't really notice the comment deciding to simply hold R fast forwarding it and not reading it. I took the last piece of the puzzle and what I saw shocked me horribly.
As the piece was removed and the blurry picture cleared what was looking back at me was a detailed 3D picture of myself! I gasped dropping my 3DS to the ground it made a buzzing noise before turning itself off.
After what I saw I never turned it on scared at what I would see of the sinister Oui would do next deciding to pass the 3DS to my little sister. She was greatly please, I flinched as she turned it on and thanked me for formatting it for her. She never told me about a red Mii called Oui popping up on her street pass, Though she actually gets other street passes, which I didn't get...
I have never picked another 3DS after what Oui showed me that night...